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Activity Plans

These activity plans were written in a step-by-step way to help guide an individual or organization regardless of experience.  They can be utilized by elder care activities directors, volunteers, teachers, or local artists.  Working with artists, but in tandem with elder care facility staff, is strongly encouraged. 


The plans are designed to be integrated, connected to local culture, and with an eye towards health and wellness.  Every plan is accompanied by synopses of medical studies to contextualize the art engagement.  Some plans are simple and short in duration, others are more involved and lengthy.  Because each community and group of elders is different, feel free to adjust or modify the plans accordingly.


If you were not one of the 1,200 local arts agencies and elder care facilities to receive a copy of the book Sundogs and Sunflowers: Folklore and Folk Art of the Northern Great Plains, upon which these activity plans are designed, or the guided imagery CD set Take Flight and On the Edge of the Wind, contact the NDCA about how to obtain them.

A complete list of the Activity Plans with links to the PDF files is available via this link, or click on the images below to access the files.

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